MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-DN-01)

Main aim: Networking
Type of actions:
  • Doctoral Networks
  • Doctoral Networks – Industrial Doctorates
  • Doctoral Networks – Joint Doctorates
Type of grant: Unit
Expected Outcome:
1 For supported doctoral candidates
  • New research and transferable skills and competences, leading to improved employability and career prospects within and outside academia;
  • New knowledge allowing the conversion of ideas into products and services, where relevant;
  • Enhanced networking and communication capacities with scientific peers, as well as with the general public that will increase and broaden the research and innovation impact.
2 For participating organisations
  • Improved quality, relevance and sustainability of doctoral training programmes and supervision arrangements;
  • Enhanced cooperation and transfer of knowledge between sectors and disciplines;
  • Increased integration of training and research activities between participating organisations;
  • Boosted R&I capacity;
  • Increased internationalisation and attractiveness;
  • Regular feedback of research results into teaching and education at participating organisations.
Deadline date: 27 November 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 27.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

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