Simulation and training for medical emergencies EDF-2024-DA-SIMTRAIN-STME-STEP

Medical (support) personnel often have limited access to extensive Prolonged Field Care (PFC) training due to a wide variety of factors. Studies to evaluate hospital preparedness have shown that good response plans can be developed for complex medical training scenarios (such as radiation exposure response), and that medical providers can be trained to follow these plans if the given training is realistic in its delivery.

Effective military medical training and readiness for PFC require decision training, performance of individual medical procedures and excellent teamwork skills in austere conditions of fast changing battlefield conditions of large-scale symmetrical conflict or natural disaster. Military medical training based on both computer-generated, hybrid and physical teaching materials creates advantage to development of cost-effective training courses for the military and civilian medical (support) personnel population and paramedics.

European Union has already started its efforts for developing military medics’ innovative training solutions, focused on Field Care and Role 1 scenarios. In order to take full advantage of military medics training simulation, additional operational scenarios and functionalities in a virtual reality environment have to be developed and integrated into a network of federated toolbox which provides interconnection and joint access to simulation systems that are supporting different but mutually complementing simulation methods like mixed, augmented, hybrid, part task trainers, logistics, manikins and medical equipment, but currently are unevenly distributed in the European market for the medical personnel and paramedic training.

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 05.

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