Call for peripheral and lagging areas Interreg Central Europe

Territorial challenges

The central Europe territory is characterised by structural differences and economic disparities between different types of regions, notably more advanced and industrialised areas (e.g. capital regions, metropolitan areas) and deprived areas (e.g. peripheral areas including inner peripheries, rural areas which are lagging behind). The latter are characterised by lower competitiveness and shrinking populations, and they face many different challenges in relation to economic development, connectivity, demographic change and social cohesion. Furthermore, there are significant disparities in the quality of governance and public services.

Targeted territories

With this call we want to unlock the development potentials of peripheral and lagging areas. Projects shall deliver local and regional solutions tailored to the specific challenges of these places in line with the principles of the Territorial Agenda (TA) 2030, with lessons learned from related pilot actions serving as insights for project applicants.

In order to qualify for the territorial focus of the call, areas to be targeted by projects have to show one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Low economic potential;
  • Poor access to services of general interest, often affected by demographic change;
  • Lack of relational proximity, decline in significance, influence or connectivity.

These characteristics of peripherality and lagging areas are of qualitative nature and there is no specific list or map of eligible regions to be targeted by projects. Targeted areas may be rural but may also include urban areas which are lagging behind in terms of socio-economic development. Their scale and size can vary depending on the project goals, e.g. ranging from local neighbourhoods (e.g. suburbs), city districts, villages and rural communities, small-or medium-sized towns or entire regions that are suffering from peripherality or that lag behind.

Thematic focus

The call will be thematically focused and be open for proposals in four programme specific objectives (SOs):

  • SO 1.2: Strengthening skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
  • SO 2.5: Greening urban mobility
  • SO 3.1: Improving transport connections of rural and peripheral regions
  • SO 4.1: Strengthening governance for integrated territorial development

Projects shall promote good governance through inclusive and participatory processes, on supporting socio-economic transformation by developing human capital and improving connectivity and governance in the concerned territories.

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 12. 10.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

A felhívással kapcsolatban a Pályázati Irodában tájékoztatást nyújt: Dr. Nagy Gabriella