Comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union – (DP-g-24-25) EU4H-2024-PJ-03-1 EU4H Action Grants 2024
The activities could cover the following areas of action:
a) promotion of good mental health and prevention of mental health problems through mental health literacy and awareness-raising, knowledge-sharing and exchange programmes for health professionals, creation of and participation in networks of institutions, patients and health professionals, identification and sharing of best and promising practices and approaches and implementable research results;
b) support for the design of integrated and coherent health policy approaches to key mental health challenges for children, such as those posed by the digital world (e.g., misinformation, cyberbullying, body shaming, aggressive marketing, undue access to inappropriate content, addiction and concentration deficit);
c) support for the design of comprehensive and coherent policy approaches and toolkits to address key social, environmental, commercial and behavioural factors influencing the mental health of citizens, including children and young people and their mental resilience;
d) better and earlier detection and intervention of mental health problems through development, piloting and implementation of approaches and tools for early detection and intervention in various settings e.g., schools, workplaces, prisons and community settings;
e) improved access to evidence-based, innovative, promising and community-level approaches and interventions in the management of mental health challenges;
f) improved quality of life through appropriate and patient-centred follow-up care with a focus on rights and breaking through stigma and discrimination.
Benyújtási határidő: 2025. 01. 22.
Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT
A felhívással kapcsolatban a Pályázati Irodában tájékoztatást nyújt: Dr. Nagy Gabriella