Cross-border renewable energy works projects CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW-WORKS Programme: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Regulation) supports infrastructure and connectivity in Europe across the three sectors of transport, energy and digital.
Both topics under this call aim to enable CB RES projects which have significant socio economic benefits to be implemented, within the framework of the renewable energy sector and in particular to support cross-border cooperation in the field of renewable energy.
The call covers the following topics:
- CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW – Works — CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects
- CEF-E-2025-CBRENEW – Studies — CEF2 Energy – Cross-border renewable energy projects
Each project application under the call must address only one of these topics.
Applicants wishing to apply for more than one topic, must submit a separate proposal under each topic.
Benyújtási határidő: 2025. 01. 16.
Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT
A felhívással kapcsolatban a Pályázati Irodában tájékoztatást nyújt: Dr. Nagy Gabriella