Accelerating uptake through open proposals for advanced SME innovation HORIZON-CL3-2024-SSRI-01-02 Support to Security Research and Innovation 2024

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:

  • Development of a mature technological solution addressing EU security policy priorities in the areas addressed by the Cluster 3 work programme;
  • Facilitated access to civil security market for small innovators;
  • Improved cooperation between public buyers and small supply market actors for a swifter uptake of innovation in response to short to mid-term needs;
  • Stronger partnerships between small and medium EU security industry and technology actors to ensure the sustainability of the EU innovation capacity in the civil security domain and reduce technological dependencies from non-EU suppliers in critical security areas.

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 20.

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