Advanced real-time data analysis used for infrastructure resilience HORIZON-CL3-2024-INFRA-01-03

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:

  • Improved capabilities for risk and faulty events identification in infrastructure networks and smart cities through real-time analysis (including big data) by public and private actors via secured and trusted platforms and interconnected systems where the collaboration follows clear legal and political frameworks;
  • Tools and processes for facilitating stakeholders efforts to identify, analyse, assess and continuously monitor risks and boost adaptive capacity to unexpected events risks in advance by allowing for the analysis of various data sources (e.g. audio, video, social media, web-content, spatial information, sensor or machine generated data);
  • Fast and continuous real-time identification, classification and tracking of hazardous agents, contaminants or anomalies in infrastructure networks and supply-chains;
  • Interoperable interfaces and improved collaboration between infrastructure operation detection and response systems, national/EU risk management/coordination centres and first responder equipment in order to allow for remote on-scene operations considering citizen knowledge;
  • Increased cyber-resilience of industrial xG networks and cloud data covering specific infrastructure domains
  • Improved ability to map in real-time the source(s) of risk factors that could endanger the networked infrastructure supported by Earth Observation and geolocation data. If the analysis includes processing of personal data, it should consider including a risk assessment or privacy impact of individuals and society.

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 20.

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