deployEMDS: Open opportunities to create a common European mobility data space – Apply to be member of the Network EIT Urban Mobility

Co-funded by the EU Digital Europe Programme, the deployEMDS project aims to create a common European mobility data space and foster a broad ecosystem of data providers and users. This initiative will make it easier to adopt common building blocks and contribute to the development of innovative services and applications. Sixteen use cases from nine EU countries will support this project. The European mobility data space (EMDS) will provide a framework for interlinking and federating ecosystems, and deployEMDS will support this initiative. EIT Urban Mobility is one of the proud partners of this initiative.

The deployEMDS project implements 9 local pilots across Barcelona, Budapest, Flanders, Île-de-France, Lisbon, Milan, Sofia, Stockholm, and Tampere, featuring 16 use cases focusing on data for mobility planning, public transport operation, multimodality, and specialty travel information.

The Network of Followers Cities is established under the EU-funded deployEMDS project to engage with external local and regional public authorities interested in collaborating with the project and shaping the future common European mobility data space.

Complete the following form to show your interest to join the deployEMDS Network of Follower Cities and Regions:

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 12. 19.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

A felhívással kapcsolatban a Pályázati Irodában tájékoztatást nyújt: Dr. Nagy Gabriella