Deploying The Network of National Coordination Centres with Member States DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-NCC-06-MS-COORDINATION DIGITAL-SIMPLE

With the creation of the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre (Regulation (EU) 2021/887), the National Coordination Centres (NCCs) – working together through a network – will contribute to achieving the objectives of this regulation and to foster the Cybersecurity Competence Community in each Member State, contributing to acquire the necessary capacity. National Coordination Centres can also support priority areas such as the implementation of EU legislation (Directive (EU) 2022/2555, the proposed Cyber Resilience Act38, Cybersecurity Act39). The objective is to support the operation of the NCCs and to enable them to support the cybersecurity community, including SMEs, for the uptake and dissemination of state-of-the-art cybersecurity solutions and strengthen cybersecurity capacities.

Expected Outcome:

  • Strengthened Cybersecurity Community to support the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre 50
  • Uptake of cybersecurity solutions
  • Strengthened cybersecurity capacities of stakeholders
  • Synergetic activities that strengthen the role of NCCs

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 28.

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