EIT Health Flagships Call 2025

Bring to life ideas for education, accelerator, and innovation programmes and projects.
Short Innovation Projects
  • CE-marked or soon-to-be-approved digital medical devices in entering new EU markets by proving their value and creating commercial partnerships to boost market adoption.
Education modules
  • High-quality content on the topics of the digital transformation of healthcare and venture building for our EIT Health Academy lifelong learning catalogue.
EIT Health Catapult organising team
  • Join the EIT Health Catapult Team to support 2025 competition and training programme for top life sciences and health tech start-ups.
  • Help manage the programme and facilitate start-up growth by coordinating with investors, organising mentoring sessions, appointing pitch trainers and more.


Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 05.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

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