Multi-source satellite image analysis – Organisation of a technological challenge EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAO

The objective evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as those used for satellite image analysis, requires a specific organisation whereby systems are tested on datasets that are new to the systems (blind testing), but that are representative of the tasks under study, and using common protocols. This scheme is commonly referred to as a “technological challenge”. One objective of the call is to organise a technological challenge driving research toward enhanced satellite image analysis for defence applications, and in particular for the combined analysis of optical and radar images. While a few challenges on satellite image analysis are organised in other contexts, there is a need for evaluations focusing on defence use cases, and for large datasets with annotations enabling accurate performance measurements.

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Collaboration, knowledge sharing, and new partnerships that drive collective progress in AI solution development for defence imagery analysis at the EU level;
  • The development of policies and potential standards for AI in defence imagery analysis, enhancing interoperability across EU Member States;
  • An enhanced cost-effectiveness of systems, optimising resource utilisation and reducing operational expenses.

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 05.

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