ScienceUs Upscale Academy

The aim of the open call is to scale up and connect outstanding Citizen Science projects in different research and technological areas relevant to the EU mission “Adaptation to climate change”.

All ongoing citizen science initiatives related to climate change adaptation run by an EU legal entity are eligible to apply.

ScienceUs proposes a three-phase support program (Seed – Flourish – Harvest phases) with direct funding and support services to a group of outstanding Citizen Science initiatives that have the potential to be upscaled to other EU regions.

Throughout these phases, ScienceUs will assist the citizen science projects by:

1) Defining a transnational citizen science campaign and upscaling plan,

2) Implementing the transnational campaign plan by facilitating the matchmaking between EU citizen science initiatives and the involvement of quadruple helix actors in the projects,

3) Facilitating that these supported Citizen Science projects transfer the best practices and lessons learned to other initiatives and projects and quadruple helix actors (mainly policymakers), generating a knowledge spillover effect.

Favored topics:

⦁ economy (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, industry, tourism, trade, transport);

⦁ nature conservation and protection; green and blue infrastructure, also considering its innovative components as nature-based solutions;

⦁ built-up infrastructure (including residential and non-residential buildings, transport);

⦁ public services (e.g., water supply, sanitation, sewage, heating) and other infrastructure (e.g., emergency, health, education);

⦁ natural and human risk prevention and management;

⦁ energy management;

⦁ water management;

⦁ transport management;

⦁ health system;

⦁ environmental education;

⦁ environmental government and governance;

⦁ outdoor and indoor climate monitoring

Benyújtási határidő: 2025. 01. 06.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

A felhívással kapcsolatban a Pályázati Irodában tájékoztatást nyújt: Dr. Nagy Gabriella