6th Open Call

Aim of the call: European standardisation specialists involved in key international and global SDOs. Through nine open calls this funding will enable the specialists to contribute to and help create a fully integrated European Standardisation Ecosystem, thereby strengthening Europe’s position in global standardisation initiatives.
Proposal type:
  • LT – Long term contribution (with travel option)
    • Description: Contribution to ongoing standards development as a chair, convener, rapporteur or member of an SDO WG. E.g. comments on standards development and drafts, attending meetings also as an observer, paying membership fees.
    • Maximum Contract Duration: 6 months
    • Funding Range: Up to €10,000
  • Proposal type: ST – Short-Term contributions (with travel option)
    • Description: Contribution to standards documentation e.g. liaison to WG, comments on standards drafts, participation at meeting paying membership or registration fees.
    • Maximum Contract Duration: 3 months
    • Funding Range: Up to €5,000
  • Proposal type: OS – One-Shot contributions
    • Description: Support to ensure participation at workshop or event (e.g., participant, observer, presentation)
    • Maximum Contract Duration: 3 months
    • Funding Range: Up to €3,000

Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 04.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

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