Water4All Partnership Water for Circular Economy

The Joint Transnational Call (JTC) is launched in the framework of the European partnership Water4All and supports research and innovation projects to improve water security in the long term. In line with the strategic objectives of Water4All, the results should contribute to the implementation of evidence-based, global, EU and national water management policies and strategies, within the frameworks of the Green Deal, Water Framework Directive, Just Transition and the Water Action Agenda for UN Sustainable Development Goals. Proposals should show cognisance of appropriate legislation and policy frameworks at national and international levels while addressing policy actions and steering mechanisms needed to foster the paradigm shift to Circular Economy.

Call topics:

  • Topic 1: Enhancement of water circularity in industries.
  • Topic 2: Urban water circularity.
  • Topic 3: Resource recovery and valorization.
  • Topic 4: Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered product

Programme description:


Water4All SRIA:


Submission tool:


Benyújtási határidő: 2024. 11. 13.

Részletes felhívás linkje: ITT

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